IPL Treatment

IPL Treatment in Coraopolis & Serving Pittsburgh, PA

As you get older, you may find that your skin isn’t as fresh and young looking as it once was. While everyone goes through changes, some people experience more extensive and unpleasant changes as they age. Perhaps you notice more broken blood vessels across your face, or you have more sunspots than you would like to admit. If so, our dermatologists at Three Rivers Dermatology have a treatment you've been looking for to reinvigorate your skin. 

What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment?

IPL treatment is a non-invasive cosmetic light therapy (sometimes referred to as photorejuvenation therapy) that can often be used to treat common skin imperfections, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Age spots
  • Freckles and other pigmentations
  • Redness (often caused by rosacea)
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Uneven skin texture/tone
  • Enlarged poles
  • Lines and wrinkles

What Does IPL Treatment Involve?

During IPL treatment, we'll direct this light over the areas of the skin that need to be treated. As the blood vessels, freckles and other spots absorb the heat from the laser; the heat breaks down the pigmentation and walls of the blood vessels. One session can take anywhere from half an hour to 90 minutes.

Is IPL Treatment Painful?

While not painful, you may notice a zapping feeling, particularly during your first appointment; however, most of our patients easily tolerate this. You will experience fewer and fewer discomforts with every subsequent session.

How Many IPL Treatment Sessions Will I Need?

This is unique to every patient, the conditions they are looking to treat and their cosmetic goals. During your consultation, we will determine how many sessions you need to undergo. On average, three to five IPL treatments are performed over a few months.

Is There a Recovery Period for IPL Treatment?

There is no downtime associated with this treatment. Any recovery period is self-limiting, depending on the redness or crusting you experience after your procedure. It is normal for age spots and other pigments to become darker for a few days before crusting over. The skin may also be red for a few days after treatment.

If you're interested in what IPL treatment could do for your appearance, call our dermatology team at Three Rivers Dermatology in our Coraopolis, PA office at (412) 262-4911 to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve residents in Pittsburgh, PA.