When Should I Have My Mole Checked?

When Should I Have My Mole Checked?

If you are concerned about the health of a mole it’s a good time to book a consultation with us.mole

You just started to swap out your wardrobe in favor of warmer-weather clothes. This can be a fun time to pull out the clothes from last summer and try them on. Of course, as you try on these clothes you may notice a few new moles that have cropped out almost out of the blue. If this is the case, our Pittsburgh, PA and Coraopolis, PA, dermatologists Dr. Damon McClain and Dr. Susannah McClain provide a little insight into when you should have your mole checked.

Moles come in many different shapes, colors and sizes. Some may be raised or flat, dark or light. Most people have a few moles, but they may not notice them. You should be giving yourself a self-exam every couple of months to check for any new moles or changes to the moles you already have. If you are fair-skinned or if your family has a history of skin cancer, you may want to perform a self-examination at least once a month.

Which moles are worth getting checked out?

You should always be on the lookout for any suspicious changes to your moles that could be warning signs of melanoma. If you have any moles that stand out as being rather large then it might be time to see our Pittsburgh, PA, skin doctor. Other issues to look for in your moles include:

  • Uneven or poorly defined borders
  • Multiple colors or changes in color
  • Itching or pain
  • Bleeding or scaling

If you are noticing new moles cropping up as an adult, this is also a good time to get a skin cancer screening. Of course, being on the lookout for any changes to the moles you already have is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself against skin cancer. When in doubt, and whether or not your condition warrants a trip to our office, give us a call anyway to see if you should come in. Always monitor your skin’s health and you’ll know when changes crop up that require a checkup.

Skin cancer can happen to anyone. While wearing sunscreen is a great way to protect your skin year-round, it’s still important for everyone to get at least an annual screening. Call Three Rivers Dermatology in Coraopolis, PA and serving Pittsburgh, PA, to schedule your skin cancer screening.

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